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Foundational Capacity @ LHDs

NALHD provides and facilitates strategic technical assistance to local health departments to extend their foundational capacity. Areas where we can help include: 

Funding: NALHD solicits and manages grants and contributions to LHDs to support their work toward local priorities. 

Data: Through NALHD, LHDs invest in shared infrastructure (including Qualtrics) to collect, manage, analyze, and share data. 

Evaluation: NALHD's team includes experienced public health program evaluators who assist LHDs and their partners with selected evaluation projects. 

Facilitation: NALHD's Technology of Participation (ToP)-trained team facilitates in-person and virtual gatherings for LHDs and other partners. NALHD also manages and hosts several communities of practice (CoPs) for LHD staff and leadership. 

Community Health Improvement Planning: As needed, NALHD's team supports LHDs' Community Health Assessment processes and Community Health Improvement Planning.